Jeff Wagner joined the Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange team in 2008 as the Communications Director. Among his duties are writing, production and distribution of electronic communications; conceptualization and composition of client website content, and production of live events, including writing, directing and producing general session programming at client conferences and technical production of client webinars.
Jeff brings an extensive background in developing and implementing successful outreach efforts on behalf of political and public interest institutions, most recently as a Media Consultant to the Assembly Democratic Caucus. He served in various capacities on numerous election campaigns from local to statewide in scope, including as Deputy Press Secretary for Californians for Health Security (Yes on Prop 186, 1994), Operations Director for the Humboldt County United Democratic Campaign of 1992, and Field Coordinator on behalf of Sacramento-area campaigns in support of public library funding.
Prior to political consultancy work, he was a reporter and editor for numerous Northern California newspapers, earning multiple California Newspaper Publisher Association awards during a ten-year journalism career.
Jeff is a graduate of California State University, Sacramento with a degree in Government.